Amanda Miller will be the first to admit she hasn’t always…um…let’s say, “lived the healthiest of lifestyles.” For the first half of her 20s, she spent more than her fair share of time waking up with a hangover and working it off by partying again the next night. A good chunk of the second half […]
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Amanda Miller
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Reaching out for Help
Local support society helps men dealing with trauma and abuse By: Mike Davies There are many government funded – or subsidized – programs out there that help women who are being abused or dealing with the trauma associated with abuse. And rightly so. But the same cannot be said about services for men, according to […]

Shaping the Future of our Youth
By: Mike Davies John Howard, the son of a wealthy British upholsterer, was captured by French privateers while traveling on a ship called the Hanover way back in the 1700s. He was transferred around to a few prisons before being released and returned to his home country in exchange for a French officer held by […]
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Bathe in the
therapeutic benefits of the forest
Shinrin-yoku or forest bathing is a Japanese concept growing in popularity By Alistair Taylor I’ve always sort of intuitively known about the therapeutic value of being in a forest. Now I know that value has a name and is, in fact, the latest popular trend in health and wellness. It’s known as forest bathing. As […]

5th Annual
Defeat Depression Walk
Local club builds awareness and raises funds for the fight against mental illness By: Mike Davies This year marks the fifth annual running of the Defeat Depression Walk here in Campbell River, which Beacon Club administrator Robyn Ellsworth says is an excellent opportunity to raise both awareness surrounding mental health issues in our community and […]

Meet the four legged members
of Campbell River
Search and Rescue
In the months following hurricane Katrina, Natasha Provost volunteered to travel south and join in the animal relief efforts. At the time she was working as a veterinary assistant. “I got tasked to go help the disaster dogs, which are the dogs, and the cadaver dogs, that go and look for the bodies,” she says. […]

Preparing for the worst
Who’s in charge of making sure we’re ready for a disaster? “Jan. 24, 2010,” he says simply. That’s his answer to why he does what he does. That was the day the earthquake hit Port-Au-Prince. Haiti, he tells me, is where his mom was born and raised. He starts rattling off facts about the history of […]

Our First Responders
Fire Rescue Since its wartime creation in 1942 as an all-volunteer department with a single, downtown hall, Campbell River Fire Rescue has grown to a staff of nearly 75 members and volunteers through two halls, seven fire/rescue vehicles and a dispatch centre that provides services across North Vancouver Island. The Campbell River Fire Department was […]

Canadian Coast Guard
The Canadian Coast Guard is probably best known for its role in marine search and rescue. Coast Guard forces, including those stationed in Campbell River, are called upon as first responders in a variety of other areas, including environmental and security response. In addition to its well-known role in marine search and rescue, the Coast […]

It’s a team of professionals ranging from rookies to seasoned veterans who dedicate themselves to a wide range of policing services. There’s serious crime investigators, street crime officers, forensic investigators, crime prevention/victim services officers, a municipal traffic force, a police dog handler and more. The Campbell River detachment includes 52 RCMP members. There are 25 […]

BC Ambulance
On the scene, ambulance paramedics have a truckful of specialized equipment they can use. Most ambulances have one main stretcher, three spinal immobilization devices, defibrillators, oxygen tanks, diagnostic equipment, thermometers, pulse oximeters, glucometer and blood pressure monitoring. Paramedics provide early intervention to those who are too ill or injured to make their own way to […]

In Case of Disaster

The Royal Canadian
Air Force
442 Squadron
Day and night, every day of the year, personnel at 442 Transport and Rescue Squadron stand ready to respond to calls for search and rescue (SAR). It’s a diverse team of pilots, SAR Techs, planners, military and civilian aircraft maintainers and support staff whose professionalism is readily apparent to the casual observer. Each member of […]