Popping the Question
A marriage proposal is a couple’s first official step toward the altar. Tradition dictates that men pop the question, with their surprised and hopefully soon-to-be-fiancées ultimately deciding if wedding bells will be on the horizon.
Although that tradition isn’t as ingrained as it once was. More on that shortly.
Proposing marriage can be nerve wracking. However, if the time seems right and love is in the air, popping the question can be exciting.
Regardless of who is proposing marriage, the following strategies can help make proposals memorable and successful.
Turn the tides
An old Irish tradition known as “The Lady’s Privilege” was established in the fifth century by a nun named St. Brigid. She decided to create an opportunity for women to propose marriage. This day fell on every leap year, February 29. Centuries later, women can still use this tradition as the impetus to take the marriage reigns into their own hands. But women need not wait for the next leap year to propose.
Many women view proposing as an empowering action that is tied to the evolving view of independent women. Couples are negotiating more in the marriage process, and the dissolution of commonly held practices is occurring more often.
Choose a sentimental location
Couples will remember the proposal for the rest of their lives, so choose a proposal location that has sentimental connections. Think about where the first “I love you” was uttered or where a first date occurred. These can be prime locations to pop the question.
Note her style
Engagement rings play a big role in many couples’ proposals. One person’s style is not necessarily what his or her partner will like. Bigger isn’t always better. Rather, choose a ring that reflects your partner’s preferences and personality. Take your partner jewelry shopping and see which types of jewelry he or she is most drawn to. Certain preferences can serve as a jumping off point for ring designs.
Ask for the family’s blessing
Men no longer need to ask their girlfriends’ fathers for “permission” to wed their daughters. However, asking your partner’s family for their blessing is a sign of respect and can add a romantic and heartfelt touch to the proposal.
Capture the moment
Though we live in an age when every moment of people’s lives is documented with videos and photographs posted to social media, proposals still stand out as extra special moments. Think about hiring a professional photographer to discreetly capture the proposal and your partner’s reaction so it can be cherished for years to come.